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Contains Nano Collagen and bean sprouts
2. Improve eyesight
Cherry juice may benefit people with glaucoma. Glaucoma is a buildup of fluid pressure inside the eye that can cause vision loss.
4. Reduce gout symptoms
• Gout is a type of arthritis that typically affects one joint at a time, causing pain, swelling, and redness.
• A 2012 study looked at 633 people with gout and revealed that those who ate cherries or used extracts like cherry juice had fewer recurrent gout attacks.
1. Antioxidants
Anthocyanins are antioxidants, which can prevent or slow certain types of damage to cells. Free radicals trigger cell damage and are risk factors for diseases such as cancer and diabetes
3. Improve immune system
Some studies have suggested that the anthocyanins in cherries may help fight bacteria. This may help support the immune system by helping to fight off minor illnesses like colds.
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